Thursday 23 August 2012

Independent research on science

Chlorine, when people hear this word, they will most likely think of the substance found in swimming pools. However there is much more to it. Chlorine is necessary to most species of living organisms, including humans in the form of chloride ions. So what are Chloride Ions ?
(Chloride Ions are important electrolytes found in body fluids and are responsible in acid balance.)
Now, back to chlorine. Chlorine is a chemical element and its symbol is CI. Chlorine has a great potential of oxidizing , which led to it being used as a common disinfectant and bleaching. What is Oxidizing?
(Oxidizing , its the process of removing electrons from another substance using a oxidant. An example of a oxidant is chlorine.)
Hence chlorine is used for the sanitary of swimming pools. This is a picture of a bottle of Chlorine. It is a greenish-yellow liquid that is transparent.
File:Chlorine ampoule.jpg

Light, this word is familiar to us all. I decided to research on it as i found it mysterious, light, what is it made of? Light, how is it created? Hence, i started researching on light. Light is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye. Light is responsible for one of our 5 senses, sight. Light is given off through a light source. Heat is mostly always given off when light is formed, however there are cases that light is formed without heat given off. So whats a light source?
(Light source in simple terms, is just a object or substance that produces light. The sun for example, is a light source, the largest. The Earth spins around the sun in a fixed speed, causing different continents and countries to have different day times and night times. The Sun is a natural source of light. It gives off light and produces heat at tremendous amounts everyday.)

Do you know that one substance that can give off light without giving off heat is found in our body? This substance is called the Phosphorus. This is first found in Hennig brand in Germany in the 16th century. He found it in a quest to find gold in the human body. Our urine, was gold in colour and hence he believed if he seperated it from the other substances, he would find gold. It was said that he boiled it, heated it, till it became paste, and continued until it became a white coloured waxy substance, Phoshorous. He had no idea he had discovered a new element and hence sold his discovery for a cheap price. He named phosphorus Icy Noctiluca as it gave off a bright light while staying extremely cold. Robert Boyle, who the discovery was sold to, remade phosphorus and used it to light splinters of wood, creating our modern day matches. It was later stated to be a element.

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