Monday 13 August 2012

Reflection On Personal Growth Term 1

Hi , im Huang Ruhao from class 1p2 and this is my Science eportfolio!
Term 1 Experience
  Science in Secondary 1 is indeed very different from Science in Primary School and i am glad we are given a orientation week at the start of the year. After getting used to the NEW kind of learning of science we will be experiencing we started our official lessons. It was alot more fun and engaging compared to Primary school science, we were introduced to various kinds of  scientific instruments and the technology used in science.
  We were given many hands on practices and group discussions, this made it easier to apply the theories we learnt in real life.  Learning science through hands-on exercises and experiments , pair work and group work really made it enjoyable and efficient. I got a 80% mark for science in term 1 and i am happy with the results i will continue working hard to achieve better results in term 2 and 3.

The Topics we learnt in Term 1
Introductions to science and technology
In this section, i learnt of the various new technology used in science. There are tools that help to measure, heat up, cool down, filter, zoom in, clean and more. This equipment are interesting to use and we learnt how they helped in experiments and how we should use them to fully utilize their abilities. We were also taught about equipment that are not used in laboratory but in mines and so forth. It was a very interesting topic and it brings me up to date about the modern technology used in science.
Attitude in Science
In this Topic we were taught about the attitude a scientist should have. This attitudes are applied in experiments or research to ensure a better result. This is hence very important for a science student like me. One of the attitudes is to drill deeper than what u already know. This will allow you to learn many things from just one topic. You may also find out alot of things you do not know and it is a important attitude to have in order to succeed in science.
Drawing of apparatus 
In this we learnt how to draw apparatus in simple symbols. This symbols are useful when u want to illustrate a experiment in a diagram form.
Laboratory rules
We learnt the dos and donts in the science laboratory, this can ensure that we are safe while working in the laboratory. We also learnt Hazard symbols like "acidic","erosion" and more. This alerts us of the contents of bottles and whether they are dangerous , this is hence a very important topic and this knowledge would server use for the next few years in ensuring our safety in the Lab.

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