Monday 13 August 2012

Reflections On Personal Growth Term 2

Term 2 Reflections
 Time really passes silently and quickly, in a flash its the end of term 2 and my 6th month in HCI. We learnt things like mixture and compounds and yet more instruments used in Science. The vernier calipers and screw gauge were totally new to me and i have never heard of it before. They were funny looking equipment that was used to measure the external/internal diameter or width of a object. This term we learnt things that was much harder than the things we learnt last term. Homework was still manageable and it was relatively fun. However when it came to the class test, i was caught off-guard, the things we learnt were tested in a different way than i expected and the questions were way harder than i though they would be. Hence my results were disastrous. I learnt from my mistakes and i am working hard for term 3 and the EOYs now, hoping that i can regain a A1.

Topics learnt in term 2
Elements, Compounds and mixtures
  For compounds and mixture , our teacher did not have much time and hence she did not cover much. She cover only the basic structure and what is a element, mixture, compound. It is a interesting topic and i could not understand it at first, however, after asking friends , i understand more of the topic.
Solutions and Suspension
  When i saw this two words, my mind could not find corresponding information, my mind was like" what is this???" However, the teacher soon cleared my doubts after 2 practicals and hands-on experiments at the Lab.
Graphing Skills
  In this term we also learnt graphing skills, they were indeed useful and i soon learnt how to plot graphs to consolidate information and to show a rate of something and how to read graphs. After learning this topic i learnt more on why graphs are important and how we can use graphs in real life to gather information or to present information.
  This word is not new to me, but its meaning is. In primary school i have long heard of Density but i never knew what it really meant. It was really interesting when i learnt it can help to purify substances and separate them too through certain methods using their difference in density.
Three states of MATTER
  This was not new but yet too new to me. We learnt this in primary school but now its very different topic. The basic theory is the same, but tons of new sub-topics are added and its definitely harder !

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