Monday 13 August 2012

Reflection On Personal Growth Term 3

Term 3 Reflections
  In no time at all, another term has passed. This term was very rushed as there were various holidays and numerous events. I am already used to the schedule we do everyday for science, one day a week for practicals in the Lab and one lesson in class. This term we started on biology and i feel that it is interesting. We could look at cells during practicals under the microscopes and use chemicals and so on. Although short, this term was a very fruitful term for science. I have obtained a bottom-line A1 this term under Mrs Koh and i am very grateful for her patience in teaching us. Although a bottom-line A1 is not that good, it is a huge improvement from my previous test and i would like to sincerely thank Mrs Koh again for helping me in term 3.

The topics we learnt are:
-Seperation techniques
-Solutions and suspensions-mixture and compounds (recap)

Separation Techniques
  Seperation techniques is a relatively easy topic compared to cells and Solutions and suspensions-mixture and compounds. At first i was unclear of some parts but after researching on the internet and looking repeatedly at my notes i became more sure of it.
  In primary 6 we learnt cells too, but that was simpler than this, now its more in-depth and there are more information to absorb. Cells are the smallest living organism in the human body and is the smallest unit of life. We can only see it under a microscope. Our teacher also mentioned a electron microscope that is not only bigger in size than the microscope we are using but 10000 more powerful, it will be amazing to use one but it is too expensive and hence its not available in HCI. I really wish to be able to use it one day.
Photosynthesis photosynthesize
  This was first taught in our primary 4 syllabus, but now, we are learning it in more depths so as to understand how to plant makes food. The basics were the same though, the plant uses chlorophyll to capture light energy which is in turn used to make food for the plant. However, we learn that the plant stores the energy in chemical form and is released when respiration takes place. We also heard the Photosynthesis song in class.
   We learnt about the respiratory system and its functions, we also learnt why we must respire. I learnt new organs like the epiglottis, the larynx, the bronchus, the alveoli in the lungs and the trachea. This was very enriching and it helped me to understand more about how we breath.

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